A mom from our swimming class mentioned that they have a toddler story time at the Anderson library on Wednesday mornings, so this week, we thought we'd check it out. I wasn't sure how it was going to go because when I read to Brady, he loses interest quickly because he doesn't like to sit still. They sang a few songs, which he liked because there were hand motions (Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc). When it came to the books being read, he was more interested in what the other kids were doing and playing with door handles. I suppose, he'll become more interested in time. At the end, they have a coloring page for them to do at small tables. When we go out to restaurants, sometimes the crayons end up in his mouth, most likely the floor, and when color ends up on the page, it's just dots from him banging the crayons on the table. You can see in the picture where I held his hand and helped him color, and also the many dots from where he "colored." He was more interested in the large bin of crayons and wanted them all. We will definitely go back.
When we got home, the mail was just arriving and the mailman handed me a package. I was thinking what did I order now? There's always something coming that I ordered so I was trying to think what it was. Huggies has rewards codes on diapers and wipes and when you rack up enough points you can spend them for toys or gift cards, etc. I had finally accrued enough and the package was what I got. It was a set of 4 noise makes that I knew Brady would love. They're also small and lightweight, so easy to take along when we travel. He was whining when we walked in the house, but when I opened the package and he saw it was toys, he stopped and said, "Oh." I got them out and he played with them for a while. He was getting hungry and tired, so we will bring them out again after nap.
Over the weekend, I decided that it was time to start working with Brady on using a fork when he eats. Yesterday was our first session. He was having ravioli and I would guide his hand with the fork in his grasp to spear the ravioli. He would then proceed to place it in his mouth with the fork. After a while, he started to try to spear them himself, and when he couldn't, I'd help him. By the end, he was able to spear three of them himself! It was really exciting and I was sure to praise him. He loves when I get excited and then tries to keep me excited. While we were at swimming class earlier that day, he said "kick" for the first time and is now saying "hi" to everyone we meet in stores. He's a very friendly kid.
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