First, I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to all of those dads out there, including my own dad and PopPop who have been the men in my life for the past 25 years. Today started by Andy getting up with Brady and playing with him while I got to sleep in. The past few weeks, Brady and I have had a lot going on, so most days we are up around 8AM. Weekends are nice because when Andy gets up with Brady, it's later than when he gets up in the week, and I get to sleep later than I get up during the week. It's a nice little system.
When I got up, Brady presented Andy with his Father's Day card and gift. Andy never buys clothes for himself, so any occasion where presents for Andy are involved, I make sure to get him clothes. He got two pairs of shorts and three shirts that match both pairs. He usually just wears basketball shorts and T-shirts in the summer, so it's nice to get him nicer clothes to wear out and about that are casual. Brady took a nap and when he woke up, he and Andy headed to Andy's candy store, Best Buy. They were gone for at least an hour and a half and Andy had a chance to try out the monkey leash we bought yesterday. Andy said Brady was just like a dog leading his owner around and while he was checking out, Brady would run until the leash caught up to him and he fell on his butt. It will be nice to have when we are out and about because he likes to run around instead of being confined to his stroller. In Disney, he was often unhappy because he just wanted to walk and we couldn't contain him, so we wouldn't let him. It is nice to have him at the age where I don't have to carry him around all the time.
I took the time to call my dad and PopPop since today would be a day that we would spend with family if we didn't live so far away. I look forward to seeing my parents in 3 weeks when we spend a week in Virginia Beach together. I will be back in Pittsburgh in about 6 weeks so I can visit my grandparents and Andy's parents. The last time we were home was Easter. My Mimi likened us to a military family because of our constant moving and I get asked that a lot when I tell people where we've been and where we're going. It will be nice to settle somewhere after Germany, even if it's for a couple of years or more. Andy was looking at pictures of him and Brady from last Father's Day and can't believe how small he was back then.
During the early part of the weekend, Brady had a little stomach bug. He's feeling much better now, but like any sick kid, isn't eating his usual amount of food. He's eating more now that he's better. The Wii Fit has an application that allows you to weigh pets and babies. The last time he was on it was about 6 weeks ago and when we put him on it yesterday, we expected a weight increase because he's been eating so well, but were shocked when it said he went down 0.7lb. We thought it was a fluke and tried it again to only get the same result. We head back to the doctor in two months and will see what they say. Today he was wearing some pants that were loose but never fell down and he walked right out of them. He's still in the middle of the weight range for 9-12 months clothes, but all the ones I have in that size are for winter and it hasn't been cold enough here to wear them since January. I'm starting to think he'll still be wearing 12-18 months by the time we head to Germany and I bought an entire wardrobe of 2T clothes to take with us and I fear they'll be way too big.
I have been scrapbooking like crazy the past week since I ordered prints for the first time since before Easter. I was working on both our Disney album and Brady's 2nd year (age 1). I have done so much that I have used an entire box of photo splits in the past week (1,000 squares)! A lot of people think I'm crazy and won't do the same for future children, but I'm a picture person. Brady's 1st year took up three albums, totaling up to 100 pages (with at least 2 pictures on each page). Digital has changed things in the fact that you have no qualms taking a ton of pictures and just printing the good ones. My mom put my whole first year in one album with maybe 25 pages because film and printing the photos all cost money. I am determined to get all of Brady's 2nd year in one album (expanded of course), because Disney will have it's own album and he's not changing as much this year as last year. By this point last year, I had filled two whole albums with his first 4 months. Because Brady was our honeymoon baby, I didn't get much of a chance to work on our honeymoon and wedding scrapbooks because baby pictures are more exciting. Now that I'm caught up on Brady, I intend to finish the second of two honeymoon albums and both wedding albums before we head to Germany. Hopefully Brady will someday enjoy them as much as I do, but knowing that he's a boy he might not appreciate it. At least I know when he graduates high school I can bring them all out at his party and others can enjoy them.
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