Brady got this race car track toy from his Pap and LaLa for Christmas. Although he was within the age limit for the toy at that time, he didn't understand not to put his hand on the spinning track. He would stop it with his hand and we were afraid he would burn out the motor since it was still trying to spin while he had it stopped. It had two race cars, so we left them out for him to play with until he was old enough to play with the track. Today I brought out the track and he was loving it! He couldn't figure out how the cars made the track move, so when the track stopped spinning, he would try to manually spin it. It didn't take long for him to figure out that the cars had to go down the ramp to start the track since there was a button they roll over. He now just presses that button.
These little race cars are made by the same company as his large remote control race car he got from the Easter Bunny. Above is a picture of both the large and small race cars. He is now totally immune to the remote control race car (he was terrified at first). Every time we go into his room, he either rolls the center ball or shakes the rattle that makes it move. He doesn't even run away when he starts it anymore and has even let it run over his toes from time to time.
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