This past weekend was the annual balloon festival, named Balloons Over Anderson. They have hot air balloon crews come for the event from all over the United States and even Canada. We thought this would be something cool for Brady to see because it's not very common to get so close to hot air balloons.
They had tethered balloon rides (pictured above), but we were too afraid to go for a ride because we figured Brady would try to jump out like he tried to jump out of the ferris wheel at the fair. The first thing we came to when we arrived at the festival was the balloon walk. This is where they blow up a balloon and let you run around inside of it. When I was in elementary school, there was an assembly where they brought in hot air balloons and blew one of them up in the auditorium and let us walk around in it. They had beach balls inside so the kids could play. Brady had a blast in there!
They had a few cars on display as well. The Great Clips racing car was there and since cars are one of Brady's two favorite things (the other being puppies), we let him get up close. He kept saying, "car, car." He tried to touch, but we wanted to make sure we didn't leave his fingerprints to incriminate himself ;)
The balloon launch was scheduled for 3PM, but it got pushed back an hour due to winds. We were very glad that we chose Sunday to come because we found out later that they were unable to launch at all on Friday and Saturday due to the strong winds.
The next few pics are of the first balloon to leave the ground. Of course, it was the Clemson balloon ;)
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