When we go to Germany next week, we know that Brady will have to graduate to a big boy bed, seeing as his room is equipped with a twin bed and we know he's getting way too big for the pack n play. We bought a bed rail to take with us because we don't know how he's going to handle being a bed all by himself. When we stay in hotels, he sleeps in the bed with us, but we usually keep him in between us.
Brady and I arrived in Pittsburgh on Wednesday night after a very terrible drive. Brady was great the whole time, but there was rain the entire drive and there was about an hour and a half in West Virginia, after the sun had gone down, where the rain became very heavy and visibility was very poor, even with the wind shield wipers at full speed. We are very fortunate that we arrived safely. That night, I put Brady to bed, and repeated several times to stay in his bed and if he needed me to just call me because my room shares a wall with his. He woke up screaming at 2:30AM because he couldn't find Andy and was pretty inconsolable. My mom came in and volunteered to sleep with him since I'd had a long day and needed some sleep. He slept in one of the twin beds with my mom and I'm so glad he has such amazing grandparents.

This morning, my alarm went off at 9:15AM and I hadn't heard a peep out of Brady all night. My mom came upstairs and poked her head into the room saying, "I don't think you need to worry about him being in a big boy bed anymore." I rushed to see what he'd done and pictured above is what we found. He had crawled into one of the twin beds and slept. He was still sleeping! We don't know if he crawled in during the night or if he got into it right after I laid him down for the night. I intend to check when I go to bed tonight to find out. He was so pleased with himself when he got up and was all smiles. It's amazing to see how kids show you when they're ready and it might even be before we're ready ;)
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