Brady has formally met a few of the characters before, so for some it was a "nice to see you again," rather than a "nice to meet you." Brady is an anomaly. He has never once been scared of any animal that's a person inside a suit. Most kids his age are a little freaked out, but he just wants to be with them. For us, it's so great to see him so happy. At his age, it's more about meeting with characters than it is about riding all the rides we can get in. That's more than fine with us.
This is Duffy the Disney Bear. He's the newest addition to the cast and usually wears a little sailor suit, but since it was the holidays, he wore a Santa suit. He was the first character we met and Brady was thrilled!

Hilarious that they had the Donald from the Three Amigos in Mexico at Epcot.
Because I have a Disney Visa, there is a special time and place in Epcot where you can have a private character meet and greet and receive a complementary 5x7 portrait. All you have to do is present your card. We were thrilled when someone came out and said that Mickey and Pluto were inside. When it was our turn, Mickey came right up to Brady and he zipped right past him to Pluto. I felt so bad for Mickey, but he gave me a big hug and a kiss instead. Brady eventually gave Mickey some love.
Does this kid love dogs or what?
Poor Mickey can only look on while Brady loves on Pluto.

A kiss for Pluto before we left. He gave pretty much every character we met a hug and kiss and was very good when it was time to say by-bye, which he said to each one with a wave.
In Epcot, they have a place called the Character Spot. You can see the characters through a huge glass wall and can go in to have pictures with all of them. Andy said it ruined the illusion because we had just walked out of our private audience with Mickey and Pluto and they were in this location as well. Brady is still young enough not to realize and he just loves the characters!
Mickey was the first one in the lineup

He's not trying to push him away, he just wanted love on him. Poor Pluto was hugging him and had no idea his ear was covering up one of Brady's eyes.
Brady's always been comfortable with the characters, but he started to get a little rough with them. Above, he is pulling on Minnie Mouse's eyelashes. We had to keep him from trying to poke at all the characters' eyes.

So happy to see Donald Duck! Ducks are one of his favorite animals!

We noticed Chip and Dale on our way into the Character Spot in Epcot, and decided we'd come back out and see them if they were still there when we got out. They were and there were only a few people in line, so we didn't have to wait long.

We waited in line for probably 20 minutes to see Buzz and Woody. This was during the major meltdown, but they had a window looking in, so when he saw them through the window, he wanted to go in and was good the entire wait. After dissing Mickey Mouse earlier, Brady was a pro at it. When it was his turn to go in, Buzz came right up to him and he ran for the cardboard cutout of Rex. It took a while for us to get him to even acknowledge Buzz or Woody. Silly boy.
We finally managed to get him away from Rex to get a group shot.
Pinocchio was the first character we spotted in the Magic Kingdom. I was so stressed out last time because we hardly saw any characters and this time there were so many! Andy thinks it's because the weather is cooler, they can stay out longer.
When we saw Tigger and Pooh from the end of our ride on the Tomorrowland Motor Speedway, we had about 25 minutes until our lunch reservation (with Pooh and Pals of course), so we decided to hop in line to get pics with them. Brady was having fun sitting in all lines on Andy's shoulders, so the minute he saw them, he started smiling and getting really excited. Above is how happy he was (it looks like he's screaming, but he's just smiling really wide). They were by his favorites and the ones he got most excited about. That probably has something to do with the fact that he sees them everywhere in his room every day and has a million stuffed Winnie the Poohs. It could also be genetic, since they were always my favorite, too.
A big hug for Tigger

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