My best friend, Jenn, aka Dunny, has been my friend for a long time. We met right before our freshman year at Pitt, when we roomed together at band camp in Bradford, PA. We were both in the Pitt Color Guard. We really bonded during that time at camp and have been friends ever since! We've had a lot of adventures and shenanigans over the last 7 years ;)

Dunny has been a very big part of Brady's life as well. She was the very first person to visit us the hospital after Brady was born. She made it there just over an hour after he was born and was the first one to hold him besides us. I have a funny story about the hospital (and I know she'll kill me for sharing). I finally got into a room after Brady was born and she was waiting outside with my dad and brother and she mentioned to the nurse that she had better take good care of her "Boo." The nurse then asked if she was the proud grandma! She almost died on the spot. Dunny is actually younger than me.
Dunny is Brady's honorary aunt. She is super awesome and always buys him presents after I tell her that she doesn't have to. I don't know what I would have done without her after Brady was born and even before. When we had that crazy blizzard right before Brady was born and our car died, she was always ready to come pick me up and take me to the hospital if I needed her to. She was at our house several times a week during Brady's first month and would always bring us a dinner when we needed it. She was even amazing enough to come and take Brady out of the house when we were trying to finish the final packing trying to move out of our apartment in Oakland. It's funny because she always felt like she was taking advantage holding the baby the whole time she was over and I felt like I was talking advantage of her because I could get so much done when she was over holding the baby. She is an invaluable friend and I love her.
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