This weekend, we are headed to Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC for the long 4th of July weekend. We haven't been to either city before and are very excited to explore an area of the country that is very rich in American history. While we're there, we plan to check out Boone Plantation (the one Gone with the Wind was modeled after), Fort Sumter (where the Civil War started), the local beaches and seafood restaurants, and a fireworks display shot off the USS Yorktown. We will be in Savannah Saturday through Sunday afternoon and then be in Charleston Sunday night through Tuesday afternoon. The reason we decided to split our time between both places is that we have a 4 day weekend and since they're only 2 hours from each other, it will save us gas money. If we didn't do both at the same time, we would have done them on separate weekends and doubled our mileage.
Since we plan on heading to the beach during our vacation, I decided it was time to get Brady some beach toys. He was only 4 months old when we went to Myrtle Beach last year, so this year is bound to be a blast! I scoped out Walmart, but all their toys were made of very thin, cheap plastic. I wanted things that were more durable, so I headed to Toys R Us. I found what I was looking for. I got him a large hard plastic shovel with a crab on the end, a basket of toys that included a shovel, bucket, and molds, and a swim training vest. He's a good swimmer, but with waves, we felt it would be safer to have him with some floatation on just in case.
Of all the bad luck, Brady decided to get sick on the ride home from Gymboree. We had just dropped off Andy car at the shop and were heading to get a quick lunch when he started screaming. We thought he was tired because he was overdue for a nap, but boy were we wrong. We immediately headed home. The car is the absolute WORST place for a kid to get sick because they are hard to take apart and clean, plus the seat beneath gets dirty. Brady doesn't have a fever, so Andy says he thinks he just got car sick. He says he used to get car sick when he was a kid. That would be horrible because we are always taking trips in the car and Brady isn't quite the age where he could tell us to pull over. Although today was bad timing, it would have been worse over the weekend where we didn't have easy access to a washer. As it is, we have to wash everything and it has to line dry, so we have just enough time to make sure things are dry by morning. I am terrified that it's going to happen on our trip this weekend, where we will be doing a total of 8 hours of driving in the next 4 days.
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