Today marks mine and Andy's 2 year wedding anniversary. It's been a wild and crazy two years. Who would have thought that I would live to eat the words in my vows when I said that I would follow Andy anywhere his career would take him. In that moment, I was thinking of the summer internship he had already started in Ocean City, NJ. We spent our first summer there, but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the roller coaster of moving that our lives have become. We moved from our apartment in Oakland, in the center of everything (at least in my mind), to the suburbs of Detroit, not long after our first anniversary. Six months later, right after this past Christmas, we left Detroit for South Carolina. In another 8 1/2 months, we will be headed to Germany!! The best thing about our so far, short marriage, has been Brady. He was our honeymoon present to ourselves. Everyone thought we were crazy to have a baby right away, since Andy was still finishing his MBA and I was recently graduated with no job, but we knew that we wanted to be parents and have never regretted our choice or our timing. In hindsight, the timing was the best that we could have chosen. Any later and we'd have been in the midst of our moving frenzy and far from family. Brady was able to spend the first 5 months of his life around a family that loves him.

I find it fun and challenging to try and attempt to get Andy at least one gift that's traditional for the anniversary that we're celebrating. Last year was paper, so one of Andy's gifts was a jar of love notes for each day of the year. This year was cloth, so it was easy. I just got him clothes. I usually get him some clothes in addition to the traditional gift because he never buys clothes for himself, so holidays are the only times that he gets new clothes. I got him some new basketball shorts, a seafoam shirt to wear for our summer family portraits, also a pair of blue and gray plaid shorts with matching gray and blue shirts so he can wear them more. Andy always jokes that I should be glad that he doesn't attempt to do the traditional gift because I wou

So, our anniversary is following on the heels of the royal wedding that took place less than 10 days ago. When I had pinups of Prince William on my bedroom walls as a teenager, never would I have thought that I would be married and have a child before he got married or even engaged, especially since he's 4 years older than me. It will be a long time before the world sees another wedding like that and it was an amazing thing to watch. Since it only happens every generation, the next time will most likely will be when Brady is grown.

Andy has some family in town because his cousin is graduating from college tomorrow, so we are having them down for dinner. This same cousin is going to babysit Brady this weekend so we can enjoy a solo anniversary dinner at the Melting Pot in Greenville. Neither of us have been there before, so we are excited to go there, after hearing great things about it from many people.

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