Easter came and went in a whirlwind this year. Between our time in Europe and Izzie being a newborn last Easter, we hadn't gone home for Easter in three years, when Brady was the same age that Izzie is now. I almost forgot how much we pack into three short days and that it's one crazy marathon. Living away from home is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. We went and saw the Easter Bunny at the mall here in Michigan (pictured above) a week or so before the actual holiday weekend. Brady was very excited and had waved to him on previous visits to the mall before we went for our "official" visit in their Easter clothes. Izzie was good until I put her on his lap. She didn't cry, but there was a small amount of whining. I was pleased with the overall picture and experience.

We left for Pittsburgh the Thursday night before Easter and got in around 11:30PM. The kids were excited to see Nana and Dubby, and Kiro, whom they were dogsitting for the weekend. I don't think any of us made it to bed before 1AM. Friday we did an egg hunt out in the yard. It took a bit for Izzie to get the idea, but once she did, there was no stopping her. She also knew there was candy inside as she had broken into one containing jelly beans before they were hidden and was eating them quietly before anyone noticed.
My kids aren't used to hills here in Michigan and Izzie was having some trouble going up the tiny slope of my parents' front yard. She took a tumble early off but managed to hold on to both her egg and her basket.
We told Brady to leave all the easy ones for Izzie, but he got excited, so I think he ended up with 2/3 of the eggs.
With Nana and Dubby.
We made the bunny cake brown this year because the bunny the kids see in Michigan is brown and not white.
Friday night brought dying eggs. Brady's been coloring eggs since he was Izzie's age, so he was excited to do it mostly himself this year. By next year, he'll be a pro!
Izzie getting into the act.
The kids put out their baskets on Friday night for Nana's bunny to come visit.
Brady is minion obsessed and played larger than life Operation at the Science Center, so this was probably his favorite gift. He was asking everyone he saw over the weekend if they wanted to play with him.
Some Planes toys. He was all about the toys and barely cared about the candy.
A stuffed Skully, which was the last missing piece of our Jake and the Neverland Pirates crew.
Boo Boo Bunnies for any bumps and bruises.
Izzie was the total opposite and could care less about the toys and other presents. She wanted the treats! These days, she easily eats more than Brady at all meals.
Saturday evening, we headed to Andy's parents' (Pap and LaLa) house. LaLa had remembered that we took Brady's pictures with their display bunnies at Izzie's age, so we brought them in to capture Izzie with them.
A comparison of Brady at 14 months and at 4 years.
Izzie's turn with the bunny.
Easter was the same weekend when Brady was 1, so here are the kids with the bunny at almost the exact same age.
Time to put out baskets for the official bunny visit.
Izzie kept taking bites of the carrot meant for the bunny.
A book of Disney Princess stories for them to sign when we go to Disneyland next month. That way she can see their signatures every time we read their story.
Little People princesses for her to play with in her princess castle.
The expression tells it all in this one.
Time for the egg hunt at Pap and LaLa's house. This time Izzie knew what she was doing and didn't waste any time.
A family shot with all of us dressed up for Easter.
We then drove up to the cemetery to visit Andy's grandparents and mom.
Planting flowers for the kids' Trapuzzano great-grandparents.
Visiting Uncle Ted and Aunt Mary who are right next to their great-grandparents.
Izzie with her namesake.
Izzie ran all over the cemetery.
Brady was a big helper watering the new and existing flowers planted with his Grandma Betsy.
After we came back from the cemetery, we headed over to a gathering with the Trapuzzano extended family. Brady was loving running around with his boy cousins and doing another egg hunt.
The two redheads hanging in the shade.
Our final stop on Easter day was my Mimi's house with my parents, aunts, and cousins. Brady had a blast with the girls and running around outside. We left to come home to Michigan directly from there and it was easy to tell how exhausted the kids were from the eventful weekend. Izzie fell asleep right away (7:30PM) and slept the whole way home, going right to bed when we got here, and sleeping until 8AM. Brady passed out halfway home and wanted to get right into bed when we got home.