Today Izzie B is two months old! She has changed so much in the last month, with most of it being for the better. She's no longer crying just to cry and sleeps on a more consistent basis (needing a nap after 90 minutes of awake time). She has also spaced out her feeds to closer to 2.5 hours - 4 hours apart during the day. She still likes to be held during her awake time, but is very alert and pays attention to everyone and everything. It's almost like a switch was flipped the day after she turned one month old and she's been a completely different baby. Most nights she'll sleep a 6-7 hour stretch at the beginning of the night, feed, then fall asleep for another 3 hours. We even had one night where she slept 8 hours! She's doing better about sleeping in her own bed, but there are still times I fall asleep nursing and she ends up spending the rest of the night in my arms. The only thing that has not changed for the better would be bottle feeding. She had had several bottles during her first month, but I preferred to feed her myself if I was around. Now that I'm going to the gym on a regular basis, she sometimes needs fed while I'm gone. We have now found that she will refuse a bottle. We even went so far as the get new bottles with latex nipples and pumped breastmilk, but it's still a no go.

I love dressing her each day and rotating through her wardrobe. I love the color combo above (pink, black, and white), but her summer clothes are so vibrant and the perfect colors for her red hair, so I can't wait to break those out soon!
Brady is still an amazing big brother! He will rock her if I'm doing something and have to put her down. If she starts to cry, he immediately tells me about it. When she's nursing, he'll come over and stroke her hair, letting her know that she's a good girl. He told Andy the other night that he (Andy) was a bad boy because he woke up Izzie.
Izzie is now a pro at smiling. I usually get the best ones out of her ;)
Both my kids are quite the sleep movers, but Izzie (on the left) more so than Brady (on the right). Last night, we had quite a scare when we heard muffled noises in her crib and when we looked, she had rolled over right onto her face! She requires swaddled at night, so she couldn't use her arms to prop herself up. We'll see if I get any sleep tonight after that.
She's such a crazy (literally) redhead! People stop me everywhere we go to look at her and always exclaim about her red hair and ask where it came from. Fortunately, we know the answer :)
This is the view Andy sees most mornings when he leaves for work. He's quite the sneaky cameraman.
She's starting to work on grabbing things more, so I thought it would be time to start slowly introducing her bear blankie. Brady was given his as a gift at four months old, so he was more than ready to start loving on his puppy blankie at that point. I'm sure soon, Izzie B and bear blankie will be inseparable.
Big Red and Little Red hanging out while Brady plays around them.
Tummy time has come a long way as well during the last month. This is her early in the month. She would lay face down and scream, while moving her legs like she wanted to crawl.
She now stays calm much longer and holds her head up.
Brady on the left around 10 weeks and Izzie on the right at around 8.5 weeks.
I love using Brady's chair as a prop to keep Izzie upright for pictures (since she hates the boppy). I wish there was more light in this one as she's got a cute little smirk on her face.
Brady does get a little jealous when he sees Izzie in his chair, so we tried putting them in it together.
It took a couple of tries to get a good one.
During the first month, she HATED the swing and the bouncer. We brought the swing out a few weeks ago to try again and she'll tolerate it for about 20 min at a time a few times per day if I need to get something done. She will not fall asleep in it. As for the bouncer, she still dislikes it, but will sit in it in the bathroom while I shower or blow dry my hair as she likes both of those noises and will stay content.
The last few days, the weather has warmed up considerably. I only have a few summery outfits for 0-3 months and was so grateful when a neighbor dropped off some of her daughters' clothes from when they were babies. This dress was one of them and she finally got to wear it yesterday.
Brady and I went to the gym last night (Izzie can't go to the daycare there until she's three months old). When we came home, we found both her and Andy hanging out on the front steps. I guess it calmed her down after another failed attempt at bottle feeding.
Last night, she also watched her first Pens playoff game (which they won 5-0). Brady loved watching hockey as a baby.
This morning, when I walked out of the bathroom, she was almost sitting straight up! She's been trying for a while and it looks like it won't be too much longer. That girl has abs of steel!
Before we went to her doctors appointment this morning I of course had to take pictures of her with her monthly owl sticker.
Every time Andy picks her up, he remarks about how big she's getting. We have decided to keep playing the weight guessing game (Price is Right rules) until she turns two to see who gets the most correct guesses. Neither of us won last month, so we were both looking for our first win. Andy was certain that she was over 12lbs, and guessed 12lbs 3oz. I didn't think she was quite that big and if she was, I wanted to guess lower so that I won. I guessed 11lbs 10oz (Brady was 11lbs 12oz at two months).
Here are her two month stats:
Weight - 11lbs 9.5oz (70th percentile)
Height - 22.5 inches (45th percentile)
Again, both of us lost! Last time I lost by one ounce and this time by half an ounce! She's increased in weight percentage, but decreased in height percentage. She gained 2lbs in a month which is average for a breastfed baby, so she's doing well. She's still in 0-3 months clothes and graduated to size 1 diapers this month. She's starting to get towards the upper height limit on the one-piece sleepers and I can tell. She may only last a few more weeks in those. The only other things that she's starting to grow out of are the Gerber onesies we use under sleepers. They typically run small and Brady was always a size ahead in that brand and in his age size in all other brands. Looks like Izzie will be the same.
She got three shots today and boy was she mad! I've never heard a child scream like that. I can only liken it to a stuck pig. Most babies calm down when their mom picks them up, but she kept going for a while. She's not going to be happy when she gets her ears pierced later this month, that's for sure.
A quick comparison between Izzie B at one month and two months. She's definitely filled out in her face and is holding her head up straighter.